Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal
Professor (Grade 1) in Economics
MA - International & Development Economics (Belgium), MSS - Economics (CU), SOB
Professor Mostafa Azad Kamal joined as the Treasurer of Bangladesh Open University (BOU) on May 5th, 2021. He is also a professor (Grade 1) in International and Development Economics and the Dean of the School of Business, BOU. Professor Azad is the first professor of BOU who has been appointed in a statutory position of BOU by the honorable Chancellor of the university. As a proud son of a freedom fighter, Professor Azad is highly motivated and inspired by the spirit of the liberation war of Bangladesh. He always believes that patriotism, innovation, sincerity, and recognition are the key to change! Philosophically, he supports empowerment-focused education over the traditional educational practices. He strongly desires to see BOU at the forefront of the 4th Education Revolution.
Professor Azad has been engaged in open and distance learning for since 1995. His research interests are development economics, eLearning, OER, ODL, and quality assurance in higher education. He teaches economics, statistics, research methods, project management, international business, and quantitative techniques courses in MBA and Commonwealth MBA/MPA programs offered by the School of Business, Bangladesh Open University. He is an instructional designer in eLearning and ODL. He is the innovator and coordinator of the eLearning Project of Bangladesh Open University supported by the Access to Information (A2i), ICT Division. Professor Azad plays a vital role in the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh’s (UGC) initiatives relating to Online learning and Assessment as an expert team member. He was also attached to Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) as an expert member for developing and implementing Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF), accreditation standards, and criteria for higher education. Professor Azad was the Director of the eLearning Center of BOU from 2015 to 2016.
He is currently working as a member of the International Academic Board for Commonwealth Executive MBA and MPA programs, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada. Professor Azad is also an Institutional Open leadership Fellow at Creative Commons, USA. He is the Country Representative for Creative Commons Bangladesh Chapter. He is one of the mentors in the Open Education for Better World (OE4BW), initiative of UNESCO. His works mostly focus on research, awareness building and policy development relating to OER, Open Education, Open Access, Open Data, Open Science, Open Innovations and Open Government. Professor Azad got experience in coordinating, supporting and evaluating a number of international and national projects relating to blended learning, OER, ODL and quality assurance in higher education. He was involved in the development of OER Policy for Bangladesh Open University, National OER Policy for Bangladesh, OER Policy for Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), OER Policy for Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU), OER Policy for Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) and OER Policy for Open University of Sri Lanka. Recently, he facilitated the OER Capacity Building workshops for 1000 faculty members and officials from 20 universities of Bangladesh. He also helped these 20 universities developed their institutional OER Policies. He is involved with the National Blended Education initiative of the government as a open education expert.
He attended a number of conferences, seminars, and workshops as keynote speaker, presenter, panellist, or trainer at home and abroad. He travelled to several countries including Singapore, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, UK, Canada, USA, South Africa, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Mauritius, Nigeria, India, Portugal, and Slovenia. He got a passion for promoting empowerment-focused technology-enabled education in Bangladesh. Currently, he trying to learn more about cutting-edge technologies such as AI, VR, AR, Chatbot, Deep Learning, the First Principles, eMentorship, etc. He likes to be with nature and follow the nature-synced lifestyle.
Professor Azad is married to Dr. Sadia Afroze Sultana, Professor in Physics and the former Dean of Open School, Bangladesh Open University. He is the father of two technologically empowered smart sons - Sadin Mostafa Musad and Sazin Mostafa Muntakim. His best sources of inspiration are the love from his Ratnagarva mother Feroza Khatoon and supports from his family. He is always moved by the honesty and patriotic traits of his late father Freedom Fighter Md. Abdul Matin. He is the eldest son of his parents.
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