২১/১২/২০২৪ তারিখের এমএড পরীক্ষা ২০২৩ (২৩২) টার্ম স্থগিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি       ||    Result Published of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Examination-2022, 1st & 2nd Semester Term 221 (New & Old)       ||    বাউবির বিবিএ প্রোগ্রামের ফলাফল প্রকাশ       ||    Result Sheet of B.MEd Program 231 Term       ||    
  • Nusrat Zahan Mou
    Assistant Professor
    English, OS

Profile of Nusrat Zahan Mou

Nusrat Zahan Mou has been working as an Assistant Professor (English) at Open School, BOU since March 2021. Earlier, she worked as a lecturer at the same University. Nusrat Zahan Mou wants to become a successful institutional personnel and to improve the value of the working area serving the best with strong commitment, effective participation, analytical capabilities, and efficient performance. She aspires to be a prosperous academic and to carry on with her research in the areas of open and online learning, gender studies, cultural studies, education, and literature.

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