Program: Master of Business Administration(MBA), Bangla Medium

Open School of BOU has been offering the Regular MBA (Bangla) program through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system since 2019. MBA (Bangla) program provides a strong general background in management theory and practice that can be integrated with technical and professional skills.

The program meets the needs of a diverse group of students from business, commerce, social science, agriculture, engineering, health, arts, humanities, science, and other fields. To apply for admission, students (any discipline) must have at least CGPA 2.50 on a 4- point scale or 2nd class in all exams. Applicants who have already completed BBA with at least CGPA 2.75 can take admission directly to the 3rd semester of the program. Currently Open School offers two major areas i.e., Management and HRM in MBA (Bangla) program designed to meet the requirements of professionals at different stages of their careers.

Duration of the MBA (Bangla) Program : The academic year of the Program shall start from January/ July of each calendar year and shall end in December/ June. Each academic year shall be divided into two semesters as follows:.

Academic Year and Semesters of the Program : The overall objective of this program is to develop the students’ intellectual capacity, executive personality, and managerial skills in a way that enables them to assume entry-level managerial positions in business and industry, public sector organizations, consultancy companies and other organizations.

Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
Duration January – June July – December

Enrollment of Students into the Program : Applications shall be invited twice in an academic year to enroll students into the program through open competition on the basis of selection criteria prescribed by the School.

Program Overview : A Curriculum and Detailed Syllabus are prepared in view of growing and changing need of manpower in the business world and the society at large. Particular attention is given to imparting quality education which gives edge and premium in the highly competitive demand and supply side markets. The 2-year MBA program offers 60 credit hours (including internship program of 3 credit hours). The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from any recognized college/university.

SL Program Heading Program Details
1 Level Master (Postgraduate)
2 Total number of semesters 04 (Four)
3 Semester duration 6 months
5 Credit hour 60 (20 courses @ 3 credit per course)
6 Duration 2 Years
7 Maximum duration 5 Years
8 Application Form(admission fees) TK. 1000.00
9 Course Registration Fee (per course) TK. 2000.00
10 Semester Registration Fee (per semester) TK. 2500.00
11 Semester Calendar Fee TK. 100.00
12 Semester-wise Mark sheet Fee TK. 500.00
13 Examination Fee(Per Semester) TK. 500.00
14 ID Card TK. 200.00
15 Minimum requirement for admission Bachelor or equivalent degree.

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