Prepare pre press and post press works of all course materials including Student Guide, Admission Form, Bank Slip, Registration Card, Student Identity Card, Examination Material, Academic Calendar, Annual Report, Yearly Calendar, and Yearly Diary, Writing Pad, Envelopes and Ledger Book, Diary etc. and Business/Visiting Cards of BOU Teachers, Officers and Staffs.
PPD Division also prepares E-books for the Students.
Prepare an annual printing and distribution budget.
Prepare all tender documents and invite e-GP/ open/RFQ tender for printing of educational and other materials.
Provide logistic supports to the (a) Tender Opening Committee, (b) Tender Evaluation Committee and Inspection Committee.
Processing of bills for approval and payment to the printers.
PPD Division also prepares documentation and distribution of books and other study materials to the enrolled students through Twelve Regional Centers (RC’s), Sixty Sub Regional Centers (SRC’s), and more than Twelve Hundred Study Centers (SC’s).
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